Thursday, April 24, 2014

This insurance provides compensation in the event of occurrence of any material or bodily loss caused to others but also to yourself. Auto or motorcycle insurance includes a part of compulsory insurance and an optional part.
Insurance for damage caused to others
It is since 1958 that civil liability is obligatory in automotive contracts. This guarantee allows you to cover third parties against the damage that the driver of the vehicle is likely to cause them. Third parties are involved in an accident caused by a driver. It can be one of the members of the family of the insured, or any other persons. But in any case the insured itself.
In addition to this first warranty, others more optional can be added to the contract such as theft, fire... These various safeguards to protect the driver against all kinds of hazards for which it wishes to be reimbursed for the costs incurred.
The principle of the bonus-malus
This principle allows to financially reward good drivers and penalise bad. This system, also called reduction-enhancement provision, varies the auto insurance contribution based on the good or bad conduct of the insured. Each year a new factor is determined by the number of accidents of which the insurer has determined the driver responsible. This new coefficient used to calculate the contribution of the coming year.
Initially, the coefficient is always "1", then it evolves through 12 months of insurance and 5% upward or downward.
Thus, the maximum factor "good driver" is obtained after 13 years of no fault accident insurance.
On the other hand, responsible for accident insurance contribution increases by 25%. That is, the coefficient is multiplied by 1.25 for each accident, with a maximum markup in the same year set at 350%, i.e. 7 fault accidents in the year. The maximum of malus applied to a driver cannot exceed Meanwhile 400% with several accidents over several years.
Particular case: during an accident, it may be engaged the responsibility of the authors. This is the case of an accident in which two drivers are considered wrong. The malus will then be half for each driver, or 12.50%, i.e. a multiplier of 1.125.
It was after 2 years of insurance accident-free head as malus disappears back to the level of the previous factor.
The franchise
Car contracts often include different deductibles depending on companies and the type of loss. The deductible is an amount that remains your responsibility when you ask for support from your insurer for a guaranteed disaster. Amounts of deductibles are high, more insurance contribution will be small, because the insurer will be less to repay for each recorded claim.
The record of information
It is a document that traces the past of a person as the insured and containing the following information:
·         the usual drivers designated,
·         the number, nature, and the share of responsibility of registered claims,
·         the coefficient of reduction-increase (or Bonus/Malus).
This document is required when an insured wishes to change insurance company and be resumed at its level of bonus or malus.
The green card
The green card or insurance card is the document issued by the insurer to prove that the vehicle is properly insured. The paper must always be in the possession of the driver as well as the gray card and driver's licence. This green card has a detachable label to be placed prominently on the windshield of the vehicle. Also on the back of this card, you will find the list of countries in which guarantees are valid.

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