Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The conclusion of your auto insurance policy can be done in several steps
Declaration: you give your insurer the personal information concerning you to establish a "quote".
Information: the insurer gives you all the elements that make your future contract.
Verification: of the contents of the contract between you and your insurer.
Signature: the contract of insurance auto and insurance certificate.

The basis of the future contract auto insurance: the insurance proposal
Insurance is a kind of quote: it commits neither the insured nor the insurer.
It is a questionnaire that you must meet to qualify for insurance. The insurer will thus measure the risk you represent.
The 3 possibilities of the insurer:
Agrees to ensure without exclusions ('standard' - the most common situation contract).
·         He refuses to assure you: it is legal. The obligation of insurance concerning the insured.
·         Agrees to ensure but subject to certain limitations or exclusions: refusal to grant you certain guarantees or to cover certain risks.
Once the auto insurance contract subscribed, this insurance proposal becomes contractual: your personal information form the basis of a reciprocal commitment between you and your insurer. In the event of misrepresentation, your insurer may refuse to compensate you if you are the victim of an accident or injury (articles L113-8 and L113-9 of the French insurance code).

No contract without information specified in advance
The insurer must give you a plate of information indicating the price and guarantees of the auto insurance policy.
It must also deliver a draft contract (with annexes): it provides a precise description of the guarantees and the obligations of the insured.

Before signing the contract car insurance
Some points are to be checked together:
The content of the auto insurance contract:
·         General conditions (so called because common to all insurers to the same branch - in this case, auto);
·         special conditions (which concern only you).
Your level of coverage:
·         the amount of deductibles;
·         the amount of capital insured;
·         exclusions of your contract;
·         The date of effect of the guarantees.
What are the insured persons?
Activities or events guaranteed by your auto insurance policy.

Signature: you leave with proof
At the conclusion of the contract, the insurer will give back you:
Your auto insurance policy (or it makes you able to e-mail).

- A provisional certificate that proves that you have insurance. Attention however: in some cases, as for auto insurance, this certificate is only a presumption of insurance.

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