Tuesday, May 6, 2014

As an employee, you may have to suffer an accident in your workplace, you are making or leaving it, or even to contract an occupational disease; your health is so altered. You then have a social and financial coverage special. This compensation is determined by your situation. In all cases, please notify within 24 hours your employer and make a statement with your health insurance fund within 48 hours following.
During an accident at work or ride (that occurred by the fact or on the occasion of the work), you are compensated by social security and employer according to specific terms and the physical consequences that this can have:
daily allowances in the event of stoppage of work and payment of a supplement by your employer,
100% of the costs of medical, hospital and pharmaceutical care
payment of a pension or allowance capital total or partial permanent incapacity,
or the payment of an annuity holders rights died.
Occupational diseases
In the case of occupational disease, you perceive on the part of insurance and your employer:
a daily allowance in the event of stoppage of work and payment of a supplement by your employer,
an annuity or allowance capital total or partial permanent incapacity.
If the death is found, your loved ones will be paid a pension.
Accidents at work and occupational diseases branch compensates that the injury and the loss of earnings caused by the accident or the disease.
Long illness
All employees are not equal faced with the loss of income due to a long illness. Depending on your personal and professional situation, the modalities of support and financial compensation are different. Some plans are more protective than others. Small overview of what is practiced.
The general regime of the social security
For employees subject to the general regime of the social security, granted financial compensation applies for 3 years. Conditions for benefit are strict:
having worked at least 200 hours during the previous quarter for the sick for 6 months
and 800 hours the previous year for the sick more for 6 months.
The employee then receives daily allowances (IJ) equal to half the average wage calculated on the 3 months preceding the judgment.
Beyond 3 years, an employee survey until his retirement from the disability if pension plan its working capacity is reduced 2/3. The amount of the allowance is 30% of the average annual wage of the ten best years partial incapacity and 50% in the event of total incapacity.
This is sometimes added an add-in on the part of the company to 90 to 100% of the gross salary of reference including daily allowances. This compensation is carried out in the context of the pension scheme of the undertaking.
The quality of this compensation varies depending on welfare selected plans. Responsibility of the collective agreement. It is important properly to investigate the pension scheme which you raise because the amount of the additional allowance will be impacted.
The scheme for civil servants
In case of long illness, officials (all categories and jurisdictions of origin) are compensated for 3 years 100% treatment of base - excluding bonuses - for a year, then 50% the next two years. For some diseases (cancer, tuberculosis, mental illness...), is extended to 5 years 100% for 3 years and then 50% for the last two years.
Exceeded this time and in the event of incapacity for work, officials are put in retirement (with a minimum of 50% of the salary excluding premiums), provided you have 15 years of effective service. Otherwise, it is the general scheme which pays the invalidity pension.
The scheme of the self-employed and the liberal professions
Craftsmen and tradesmen contribute collectively to a life insurance scheme. They are generally less well covered than the employees of the general scheme. However, they benefit from the compulsory scheme of health insurance for the self-employed. Paid daily allowances are identical to the scheme provided they have contributed at least a full year.
After 3 years, craftsmen and tradesmen are not on an equal footing. For craftsmen, if incapacity for work, an invalidity pension is paid equal to 50% of the revenue the first three years, then 30% from the fourth year.
For merchants, only the total and definitive disability causes paid a pension of 50% and 30% for partial disability.
And personal protection?
The collective foresight (within the company or administration) is long sickness or invalidity recognized, unavoidable financial protection. If your employer has not implemented this type of insurance, you can sign a contract with a professional individual.
Most of the contracts guarantee the payment of daily allowances and disability. The average cost of a provident contract varies depending on the amount and the duration of the compensation paid.
Be aware that the vast majority of the contracts proposed by mutual and insurers include the pane "disability" as an additional guarantee of a capital contract death, others limit the duration of payment of daily allowances.

In all cases, it is important to carefully investigate offerings you proposed because the amounts that you receive will have an impact on the level and the quality of your life.

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