Sunday, August 31, 2014

To adjust a transaction, you can send money by wire transfer from your bank account to an account in a foreign bank. In the same way, you can receive a wire transfer emitted from an outside account into your bank account.
Abroad, in euro or in foreign currency transfers
A transfer abroad can happen currency (in foreign currency) and euro.
When you receive a transfer issued in foreign currency, the amount is converted to euros when it is brought to the credit of your account, it is certainly expressed in euro.
If you issue a transfer, it is your choice if you make it in euro or in the currency of the receiving country. Costs related to international transfers, outside the European economic area *, are usually borne by the transmitter. They include a commission, the amount is freely determined by the Bank, and foreign exchange.
The execution of the transfer time depends on each bank involved in this operation. There is no maximum time limit fixed by the regulation.
* The European economic area (EEA) includes the 28 States of the European Union (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden) plus three States on four of the EFTA (European free trade association): the Iceland, the Norway and the Liechtenstein. The fourth State, the Switzerland, is not EEA member.
The SEPA credit transfer
The SEPA credit transfer is a transfer harmonized at European level, for transfers issued or received in euros, to account in one of the countries of the SEPA area, either the 28 countries of the Union European + the Iceland the Liechtenstein + the Norway the Switzerland Monaco (thus 33 countries).
This transfer, fully automated processing, require harmonized Bank coordinates: IBAN (international banking account number) for the account number and the BIC (bank identifier code) for the code of the Bank. There are all these coordinates on the RIB.
The less than 50,000 euros SEPA credit transfer costs the same price as the national internal transfer (that it will gradually replace) except to the Switzerland. It guarantees a payment within the period of one day business (from receipt of the order for payment by the Bank), new time limit applicable from January 1, 2012, against three days previously. This period is extended by a day for transfers on paper.
For transfers made between countries in the economic area European, but executed in the currency of one of these countries, other than the euro, the turnaround time is four-day maximum. And the transfer may be charged differently than the transfer internal. This is also the case where the transfer relates to an amount greater than EUR 50 000 or if the coordinates of the beneficiary (Iban and Bic) are incomplete.
The transfer of money abroad (Western Union or Money Gram)
If you need to transfer money to a child travelling in a foreign or do you send money in an emergency, you can use the services of Western Union or Money Gram. Just to have a piece of identity and a code on which the sender and recipient must agree.
These devices are very useful in the event of particular difficulties (loss or flight of your credit card during a stay abroad), as the networks of these companies are particularly extensive in the world. However these services are very expensive (10% of the amount transferred) and so it is better to use only in case of necessity.

Prefer bank transfer to Bank if you choose. Otherwise the international mandate may be a solution, but the time limit is longer: 4 to 10 days (if outside Europe) for a classical term, 48 hours for an express term (However the term international express is far from being present in all countries).

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