Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Looking for a first job or employee, discover ways to benefit from social security.
Your job seeker status issued, allows you to be affiliated to the social security of the general scheme. Once you have exhausted your rights, you will need to apply for (CMU) universal health coverage.
Si you work regularly throughout the academic year (from 1 October to 30 September of the following year), you depend on only the general scheme of employees. Check with your student or your health insurance mutual.
Your employer may impose you a compulsory mutual. This means signed with a mutual agency agreement that allows all declared workers benefit from supplementary coverage, often in more favorable terms. Otherwise, your employer will be able to advise you on the mutual that subscribe. Be aware that you can do to benefit your beneficiaries of the mutual benefits, but sometimes by paying an additional assessment.
(CMU) universal health coverage
The CMU is health coverage mandatory for persons who do not benefit from another social security scheme. It relates only to persons residing on a regular basis in the national territory and is entitled to the usual reimbursement (insurance sickness, maternity...) at the same rate as other insured persons.
There is also a complementary CMU. It is free and assigned by your health insurance fund for one year renewable after review of your resources.
It allows you to:
·    Pay your health care without advancing money,
·    Be hospitalized without costs and limitation of duration,
· Benefit from additional repayments (dental, optical, physiotherapy, special examinations,...)
If you are 16 years old and break with your family, you can ask the complementary CMU.

In all cases, find out from your health insurance.

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