Friday, June 20, 2014

There are two types of life insurance products
Contracts of insurance in the event of life which provides for the payment of a capital or an annuity to a given date (or end of the contract) if the Subscriber's contract is alive. These contracts more often incorporate an insurance in the event of death of the Subscriber before the scheduled date. Capitalized savings will be then paid to a beneficiary previously designated; Death insurance contracts include a capital or an annuity in the event of death of the Subscriber and for the benefit of one or more recipient designated.
It is strongly recommended to provide beneficiaries alternates. Suppose that your children, your life insurance contract beneficiaries die before you. The formula "my living children or represented" will allow payment of savings your grandchildren on your death.

These contracts have two important advantages
The recipient (s) can be freely designated by the Subscriber. They therefore allow you to significantly improve the situation of your family, including your partner or partner of Packs that have no interest in your estate.
They do not enter the estate of the deceased person. It is therefore not in the calculation of the available quota and reserve mass. Nor are they subject to succession duties.
A double limit exists at this point. The first is the "portion" that prevents any person from completely disinherit his children. It is advisable to limit the amount of savings invested in life insurance to the available quota.
The second is related to "clearly exaggerated bonuses", which means that life should not represent too much of the estate assets.

The other determinant of life lies in its tax treatment. Indeed, if you fed them before your 70s, your life insurance contracts can be transmitted to desired persons, without any taxation, amounting to 152 500 euros per person. Beyond this amount, the taxation will be limited to 20%, regardless of the amount and the relationship with the insured, i.e. a rate well below the rights of succession. By adding this limit that of 156 357 euros, own the rights of succession, you can pass on to your children 308 857 euros tax-free. These advantageous tax rules are valid for the sums invested before the age of 70. For the premiums paid after age 70 benefits are more limited. The deduction is reduced to 30 500 euros for investments after this age.

Moreover, beyond this ceiling this are estate rights that apply and not the 20% reduction. On the other hand gains capitalized on the contract are transmitted free of inheritance. Only the sums subject to taxation if the ceiling is exceeded.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Looking for a first job or employee, discover ways to benefit from social security.
Your job seeker status issued, allows you to be affiliated to the social security of the general scheme. Once you have exhausted your rights, you will need to apply for (CMU) universal health coverage.
Si you work regularly throughout the academic year (from 1 October to 30 September of the following year), you depend on only the general scheme of employees. Check with your student or your health insurance mutual.
Your employer may impose you a compulsory mutual. This means signed with a mutual agency agreement that allows all declared workers benefit from supplementary coverage, often in more favorable terms. Otherwise, your employer will be able to advise you on the mutual that subscribe. Be aware that you can do to benefit your beneficiaries of the mutual benefits, but sometimes by paying an additional assessment.
(CMU) universal health coverage
The CMU is health coverage mandatory for persons who do not benefit from another social security scheme. It relates only to persons residing on a regular basis in the national territory and is entitled to the usual reimbursement (insurance sickness, maternity...) at the same rate as other insured persons.
There is also a complementary CMU. It is free and assigned by your health insurance fund for one year renewable after review of your resources.
It allows you to:
·    Pay your health care without advancing money,
·    Be hospitalized without costs and limitation of duration,
· Benefit from additional repayments (dental, optical, physiotherapy, special examinations,...)
If you are 16 years old and break with your family, you can ask the complementary CMU.

In all cases, find out from your health insurance.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Complementary health, or "mutual" is a contract that allows an insured to recover part or all of its health costs not supported by compulsory health insurance (social security) in consideration of the payment of an assessment.
How does the complementary health
Health expenditures are not reimbursed by social security. The supplementary acts beyond mandatory health insurance reimbursements. Thus, the supplementary occurs for the reimbursement of medical consultations, medicines, hospital stays, the optical...
In practice
Mandatory health insurance fixed for each act or produced a basis that corresponds to the reference fare. It then applies a rate of reimbursement to this basis that determines the amount of the rebate. Apart from cases where the reimbursement rate is 100%, reimbursement of social security is no less than the basis of repayment: the difference between the base price and the reimbursed amount is the "co-payment". It is this sum that complementary health refund fully or partly the difference.
Mandatory health insurance deducted in some cases a franchise or a lump sum contribution of the refund. This amount is rarely supported by complementary. On the other hand, recent support sometimes, to some extent, potential overruns that are billed to the patient. Examples: overflow of fees of a specialist, eyeglasses or dentures.
How to subscribe... or terminate its complementary health
From whom subscribe
For employees, there is often a range of complementary health proposed or imposed by the company. In this case, a portion of the cost is supported by the company, the rest being paid by the employee. This coverage includes usually all members of the family.
It is also possible to subscribe to complementary health contracts individually with the mutuals, institutions of foresight, corporations, or mutual insurance companies. Do not hesitate to compare benefits and prices. Comparators sites are available on the internet.
Understand my contract
Additional health guarantees are generally expressed as a percentage of the basis for reimbursement, sometimes in euros.
  • Percentage: a guarantee of 150% of the basis of reimbursement (included compulsory health insurance) means the total refund (security social + supplementary) will be 50% more than the basis of redemption by the social security.
  • Euro: a guarantee in the amount of 250 EUR means that repayment of the complementary health will be the more than 250 euros, in addition to the sum reimbursed by compulsory health insurance. It is often the case for reimbursement of optics for example.
Guarantees can be capped to the amount limited by number or time.
Warranty and service
Complementary health generally support the refund:
  • consultations and medicines;
  • Hospital (living expenses, special room, surgery fees);
  • Optics (glasses and lenses);
  • Dental (dental and orthodontic prostheses);
  • The acts and medical care not covered by compulsory health insurance such as vaccines, osteopathy, the operation of myopia...
They may in addition proposed additional services such as:
  • The third charge, that avoids making the advance of certain costs (pharmacy);
  • Aaccess to networks of healthcare professionals providing care at negotiated rates;
  • Services of assistance and home help in the event of hospitalization or immobilization (housekeeper, childcare)...
The price of complementary health
Complementary health prices vary according to several criteria related to the Subscriber and the contract. The criteria include age, status of employee or not, the revenue of the Subscriber and the type of guarantees and you want refunds. In General, plus the contribution is high and most warranties are extended.
Time waiting or deficiency
Some complementary will not cover expenditures from the subscription or membership. They apply a waiting period during which the Member pays his dues without the benefit of the repayment of certain benefits (programmed in advance hospitalization or optical expenses).
Duration and termination of the complementary health

The renewal of the contract is done usually every year by tacit agreement. The Organization to which you have subscribed annually sends a notice of expiry indicating the amount of the contribution for the coming year and the deadline to which it is possible to terminate. It is always possible to terminate his contract subject to respecting the period of notice provided.

The flat-rate participation of 1 euro
For insured persons over 18 years, insurance demand a lump participation of 1 euro for all consultations or acts performed by a physician or for your analyses and x-rays.
This participation is applied during the course of care but also out of it. However, if you see a dentist, a physiotherapist, a liberal nurse, or have to undergo surgery at the hospital, you do not pay this package.
Lump participation is automatically deducted from the amount of your payments.
The total amount of the lump sum contribution is capped at 50 EUR per year and per person.
The medical franchise
It is an amount that is deducted from reimbursement by your insurance on purchased drugs, paramedical acts (kine, nurse...) and medical transport (ambulance). The medical exemption concerns all insured persons (minors, adults, beneficiaries of the CMU)
he amount of the deductible differs depending on the type of acts:
  • 50 euro cents per box of medicine,
  • 50 cents per paramedic Act,
  • 2 euros for the medical transport. The amount of the exemption is capped at 50 euros per year and for all of the acts.
Hospital package
You are hospitalized for a stay of more than 24 hours, you must then pay the hospital package. It corresponds to the participation of each patient to hosting fees. Its amount is unique and payable as soon as the first night. :
  • 18 euros per day in hospital or clinic,
  • 13.50 euros per day in psychiatry. Some people may be exempt. Check with your health insurance or your care facility Fund.
Package 18 euros

It is a financial participation of 18 euros for the acts for which the rate is equal to or greater than 120 euros, or having a coefficient of 60 (depending on the nomenclature of health insurance). The rules of this package is carried out directly from the practitioner or the accessed health care facility. This flat-rate participation of 18 euros can be supported by your mutual, according to contracts. Certain benefits are exempt (radiological acts specific, shipping of emergency...)