Thursday, May 15, 2014

When you are insured, you get the reimbursement of your medical expenses. This rebate is done in the context of the coordinated care course. This regulatory framework requires you to choose a physician who will be your contact person for most conventional medical procedures. If you want to see a specialist, you must first consult your doctor - except for gynecologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, radiologists, dentists, which are open access.
In this case, you will be refunded normally, according to the usual fees in force, i.e. 70% of the basic rate, less 1 euro in respect of the flat-rate participation. The supplementary part is possibly supported by your mutual.
If you are out of the way of (not) coordinated care, you will be refunded 50% of the basic rate, less 1 euro flat-rate participation.
Health expenditures for the purchase of medicines are reimbursed in whole or in part of their cost. Each type of medicine is a different refund rate:
·       the crossed white vignette: expensive drugs. They are reimbursed at 100%,
·       the white sticker: common medications. The reimbursement is made to 65%
·       the blue sticker: homeopathy, drugs says 'comfort '. Health insurance shall reimburse them to 30%,
·       the orange sticker: drugs called "low medical service. The rate of reimbursement by the health insurance is 15%.
For all your medical expenses, use your vital card. It allows you to do not advance the part supported by insurance. It is convenient and economical and is a good way to manage its health budget!

For your medication, remember to ask "generics" to your doctor or your pharmacist. These drugs have the same effectiveness as those of the major brands and are cheaper!
It is important to remember that each insured has the right to benefit of a free health check every five years in one of the medical centers of the health insurance. 

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